Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Zelma and the 1940 Census

With the release of the 1940 census fast approaching there are a few ancestors I'm anxious to research. Meet Zelma Maude White. In 1940 she would be 36, one year younger than I am now. In 3 short years she would be sending a son off to fight in a world war and several years after that another son to fight in Korea. Together with her husband Andrew Garland, she would run The Hiltop Restaurant on Route 2 in Hermon, ME. A love of food they passed down and resides strongly in me today. I can't wait to see what the 1940 census will reveal about Zelma.


Ali Puckett said...

This is really cool, Sandra! It's interesting also how hobbies are shared through our families, along with the obvious physical traits.

Sandra Ruffing said...

Thanks Ali! I love finding a little bit of myself in my ancestors :)